Need to make a complaint?
We want to make it easy to tell us when things go wrong, resolve your complaint and make sure you are satisfied with how it was resolved.
Cora, our digital assistant, is available 24/7 to help answer your questions about banking.
To chat with Cora, select 'Chat to Cora' at the bottom right-hand side of most webpages.
Registered customers can use the 'Message Us' feature in our mobile app or the ‘Need help?’ online chat service within online banking.
We offer face-to-face video banking services so that you can talk to us wherever you are, using a smart phone, tablet or computer.
It's easy to use, secure and confidential and you can book a Financial Health Check appointment between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. GMT, Monday to Friday.
Video banking calls may be recorded and service hours apply. Compatible device required.
To become an International Banking customer you'll need to maintain a minimum balance of £25,000 at all times; or a mandated minimum salary of £40,000 must be paid in per annum.
To become an International Premier Banking customer you need to open an account with a minimum balance of £100,000; or pay a mandated minimum salary of £75,000 in per annum.
We want to make it easy to tell us when things go wrong, resolve your complaint and make sure you are satisfied with how it was resolved.
We're really pleased you've had great service from us. Use our online form to nominate the member of staff for a service award.
You can use our online form to give us some feedback. We're always looking for ways to improve and your feedback is important to us.